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7/12/2020 0 Comments Scent your spaceDoes your room feel a bit dull and drab? Add some sparkle to your space by experimenting with scents! I love to use essential oils to change the mood in my bedroom. S Here is my "cheatsheet" guide to different essential oils and what they are good for! Remember that these are rumored benefits and not a guarantee, and that you should get parent permission before you use essential oils. There are lots of different ways you can use essential oils in your bedroom! I like to diffuse them in a special diffuser. You can also dab a few drops of the oil on a washcloth next to your bed before you sleep (this is a great way to use lavender oil), make an essential oil spray (find recipes online) or mix together baking soda and your oil(s) of choice in a cute jar (then, put the lid on and poke a few holes in it to let the scent permeate your room).
I hope you had fun exploring the world of essential oils with me! Love, A
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