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3/16/2020 0 Comments Spring cleaning: your dresserI would not consider myself to be “fashion crazy” but I do like cute clothes. Unfortunately, it can get kind of hard to see my stuff when my dresser gets messy. If you have that problem too, do not despair! I am here to help. Just roll up those sleeves and get cleaning! 1. Take out everything and sort it into three piles: keep, donate/sell and pitch. Determine what goes in which pile by asking yourself the following questions about each item: Does it fit? Is there holes? Is it worn out? Do I wear it often? 2. For your “donate/sell” pile, take everything to donate to a local charity and try hosting a garage sale to sell the rest. For your “pitch” pile, throw it away. For your “keep” pile, continue reading to find out how to organize it.
3. Lay out all your “keep” clothes. Sort out what you want to go together. Keep like items together. For instance, have one drawer for pants, another for underclothes and socks, and another for pajamas. After you have your drawer categories picked out you may want to organize your stacks in each drawer. In the pant drawer you could have a stack for jeans, another for leggings, and yet another for slacks. 4. Dust your dresser. Dust inside the drawers and on the countertop. 5. Fold everything nicely and put all your clothes in your drawers. 6. To finish, clean everything off the top of your dresser. You will be surprised by how good it looks! Good job! You just did something you can be proud of. -B
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