4/3/2020 0 Comments Make a Beach miniature SceneI love beaches. The sand beneath your toes, the waves rolling gently into shore. Ahh! It is so relaxing. So, if you would you love a break from the real world today, then make this adorable miniature beach scene for your bedroom. Hopefully, the view will transport you to your favorite beach! Are you ready to make it? Let's get started! What you need: * A deep white plate * Sand * Seashells * Blue glass gems * Dollhouse or fairy gardening bench or chair (you can find these at many garden centers and craft stores) How to Make it: 1. Start by filling your plate up most of the way with your sand. Tip: I did this with my plate on a plastic tray, so that if any sand spilled, it didn't end up all. over. the. house. :) 2. Then, use seashells to create a path in the sand and to create borders for the "water". (You may notice in this photo I had a different chair then in the rest. About halfway through, I decided to change it out for something a bit bigger.) 3. Fill in your "water" areas with glass gems. They should almost completely cover the sand in those areas. 4. Place your miniature bench or chair at the top of your path.. 5. Find a beautiful place to set your new, tiny vacation-destination! Who knew a trip to the beach could be so easy? Sea you soon,
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